Monday, February 8, 2010

Chicken Thigh & White Wine Stew

Combining two of my favourite things! Thighs and Wine!

A super easy recipe with the hardest part being the wait. It filled the house with the beautiful smell of simmering chicken and wine. Really delicious. Jaime Oliver (if he sticks with this "cooking" thing, he could become really successful...) had the bright idea of doing away with the browning of the meat step. Completely unnecessary, unless you really dig on the brown bits. Which you might. I'm just saying not a required step to make a hardy stew.

This was the quickest of the four possible recipes he provides, at 1.5 hours prep and cooking time. The other three all take longer than 2 hours, but they'll definitely make appearances here eventually (Beef and Ale sounds mighty awesome).

If you'd like the recipe, shoot me an email!

One of my friends at work today heard about the blog, and how we never plan to make the same dinner twice. She asked me what we do when we find a recipe we really love. And you know what, I guess I haven't really considered what would happen then. Maybe we could make it again if company came over - which is rare these days, but probably the best solution.

Bonus Round!

We're going to an Aphrodisiac-inspired potluck on Friday night (Penis Cake Anyone?!) and while we've got some good ideas, we're open to suggestions. I'd love to do some baked Oysters, but I'm afraid of Reb catching me mid-shuck. (Har har)

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